That sunshine break (past two weeks) this spring was super awesome! We loved getting our outdoor spring cleaning done and enjoyed the beauty blossoming in our garden!
Our outdoor patio area is now set up and ready for BBQs! Come on over!
Now let's see where the path to the garden leads...
Garden tea for two?
Lots getting started in the green house!
Tomatoes! Peas!
Our garden Circle space is ready for conversations!
Sweet Sicily & Lady's Mantle!
Most of our trees are in flower now!
New archways are coming for some of the grapes.
The other grapes have been finally trained up poles & wire.
Finally...we've got Borage this year! The bees love it and it's edible! What better plant to have!
Calendula! I've already started adding it in my Sensational Salads!
And the garden grows....