Wednesday, January 18, 2012

A Garden of Love

I was taking a look at our garden blog today and was wondering why no 'garden in full bloom' photos were added this past summer. Then I remembered the best pictures taken in 2011 - our wedding photos!  What a treat it was to have our pictures taken in a truly meaningful location for us both, a backdrop we created with much love, sweat and dirt. Here are some of our photos we will treasure for a lifetime:

Sunday, January 8, 2012

New Year's Eve 0 Mile Salad

Can't believe we've picked a 0 mile salad from our garden on New Year's Eve! The weather is so warm outside that things are still growing from last season (parsley, chard, kale, chives) and/or starting to grow again (arugula, lettuce).  The frost usually kills off the former by now and the latter doesn't usually become visible until at least March.  What's with this unusually warm winter?  We don't mind so much considering we are still benefiting from our garden goodies - all the same I worry about short growing season in 2012, from a dry and hot summer. Only Mother Nature knows.  

Our New Year's Eve salad: kale, chard, lettuce, arugula, wasabi, parsley, carrots, leeks, celery, calendula flowers.