Thursday, August 2, 2012

Garlic Madness

The garlic madness began a couple weeks back. About 15 raised beds to dig up. Then there is/was the sorting, tying-together, labeling, and hanging.  Quite the job!  Thank goodness for helpful friends - we had Rachel and Banning give us a hand one Saturday to tackle some of the beds. Then I tackled two more today, and have only one more to get to tomorrow! Now to think about what to do with all the empty beds? With all the garlic gone the garden is looking more brown than green :( 

Also harvested (no pictures) German Hot, Chesnoc, Portuguese and others... 

There were some casualties of course - the Russian Red suffered from being planted in poorer soil (less drainage/harder). About 50% of  our R.R. had 'white rot' and there was the occasional 'green rot' - - - there was still a considerable amount though considering we had more R.R. cloves to start with.  The moldy garlic was processed right away - stripped and put in the fridge/freezer - otherwise, it would just progressively rot and be wasted.

The garlic is hung-up to dry for about 3 weeks. Then it's ready to sell. 

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